I'm super thankful for my Nanay. She takes care of the things now for the wedding, she dove in full force with helping with the wedding preps. My parents even offered to pay for our wedding cake and the Starbucks kiosk!
The latest suppliers that we have booked through my parents help are: Yhoan's Flower Shop for the entourage and church flowers, Joy San Gabriel for our cakes and Boy Kastner Santos for the entourage's dresses. My Nanay said that dealing with them is a breeze. I particularly love Tito Boy because he updates me of the progress. He just recently sent me a message, reminding me that Topher's sister who was also our secondary sponsor, is the only one whose dress was yet to be cut.
I've posted before that I would have a cake buffet and forgo the usual wedding cake but as we are nearing the wedding date, I realized I don't want to stress about that anymore. I know it will take a lot of effort from us to pull off the cake buffet.
The most important things that we need to take care of ASAP are the following:
Topher's Baptismal Cert
Topher's Confirmation Cert
Marriage Banns to be posted on church
Song List Approval for Church
Photo booth Backdrop
Photo booth Layout
Prenup Slideshow
Topher's mom already took his baptismal and confirmation certificate before, it was my fault that we need to get one again. I didn't know that it's only valid 6 months prior to the wedding, and when I said that it was a requirement, his Mom went off to get it immediately. So need to get another one again.
Most of the items, I need to do myself. I seriously need to start on them NOW!