Saturday, February 05, 2011

on turning 28...

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~ Mark Twain

This post is officially eleven days late. Because eleven days ago, i turned a year older. I don't mind getting old, it just freaks me out that the kids that I know are now in their teens! That certainly makes me feel old.

When I was small, I told myself that I'll get married at the age of 28 and start a family. Good thing I forgot that note to myself, because getting married early (at 25), is one of the best decisions of my life. This coming June will mark our 3rd anniversary as husband and wife and I am most thankful for the times that we have now. Starting our own family is in the plans but we're not rushing to anything. We want to savor and enjoy these moments.

We celebrated my birthday in a simple way. The night before, I received a sweet gesture from Topher. Waiting for me when I got home is a dozen red roses. It came as a surprise since I wasn't expecting it.

We both went to work that day. We celebrated with dinner at Olive Garden, we both enjoyed our meals. And then tonight will be a joined birthday celebration with a friend and we're having dinner, drinks and movies after! Good times. God is indeed very good.

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