Wednesday, December 01, 2010

invitation assembly

Finally, all components of the invitations are ready for assembly. After making the belly bands last week, everything is set. For the assembly, I first started with adhering the main invitations to the silver mats and then finally adhering them to the pocket folds. I decided that it's easier for me to adhere first all the invitations before placing the inserts and their respective belly bands.

(the pretty pocket folds)
(1st assembly: main invites, silver mats and plum pocket folds)
(placing double sided tape on the main invitation)
(placing double sided tape on the silver mat)
(main invite and silver mat together)
(main invite and silver mat adhered on the plum pocket fold: BEAUTY!)
After adhering the main invites with the silver mats to the pocketfolds, I had them placed under stacks of books to make sure that all folds and adhesive stick. Good thing Topher has lots of thick and heavy (PT) books that I can use. :) Last night, I've assembled about 20 invitations and then got stressed out with the guest list when called it a day.
(pocket folds, 3 inserts, and belly bands completed)

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